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Apri/ChiudiRiscaldatori a Cartuccia
Alta Densita di Potenza
Alta Densità con TC
Media Densità
Bassa densità
Altissima Densità
Hi-Temp. Super Sealing
Bassa Tensione
PTC Autolimitanti
Riscaldatori per Bulloni
Riscaldatori a Cartuccia per Fluidi
Super Stagna ad Alta Temp.
Accessori & Costruzioni speciali
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Apri/ChiudiElementi Microtubulari
Misure Standard
Modulo d'Ordine
Macchina Spiralatrice
Versioni Speciali
Super Stagna ad Alta Temp.
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Apri/ChiudiRiscaldatori per Ugelli
Caratteristiche (Piromax)
A Fascia in Ottone
A Fascia in Acciao Inox
A Fascia Sottillissimi
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Apri/ChiudiRiscaldatori a Fascia
Riscaldatori con isolamento in Mica
Riscaldatori in Ceramica
Riscaldatori Rettangolari
Cast Alu/Brass Heaters
Protection Housings
Insulating Pads
Contact Accessories
Connection Boxes
Clamping Devices
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Apri/ChiudiRiscaldatori Piatti
Mica Flat Heaters
Cast Alu/Brass Heaters
Grooved Heating Plates
Apri/ChiudiRiscaldatori a Cartuccia Piatti
Connection Options
Heating Options
Bending in Shapes
Application and Shapes
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Apri/ChiudiRiscaldatori Tubolari
Plain Tubular Heaters
Square Cross-Section
Finned Tubular Heaters
Duct Air Heaters
Threaded Immersion Heaters
Flanged Immension Heaters
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Apri/ChiudiRiscaldatori a Cartuccia per Radiatori
Riscaldatori a Potenza Costante
Riscaldatori PTC Autolimitanti
Connettori e adattamenti
Unità di Controllo
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Apri/ChiudiIrradiatori Infrarossi
Applicazioni & Scelte
Dati Tecnici
Gruppi con parabola
Colori Termosensibili
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Apri/ChiudiCompleti-Riscaldatori Ceramici
Technical Data
Apri/ChiudiTermocoppie & Resistenze
TC isolati con MgO
Conventional TC
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Apri/ChiudiCavi Scaldanti
Potenza Costante
Minerale Isolato
Protezione contro Gelo
Apri/ChiudiRiscaldatori Flessibili
Etched Foils - Informazioni Generali
Features - Etched Foils
Apri/ChiudiRiscaldatori per Fusti
Riscaldatori per Fusti Integrali
Riscaldatori flessibili per Fusti
Apri/ChiudiRiscaldatori MoSi2
Apri/ChiudiRiscaldatori ad Aria
Apri/ChiudiUnita di Controllo temperature

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Peltier-Effect Heaters/Coolers

Thermoelectric products based on the Peltier Effect have the characteristic of behaving both as heaters and coolers.

The Peltier Effect was discovered in 1834, and rapidly became the core of thermoelectric technology, changing traditional ideas about cooling and heating.

Freon refrigerating systems and appliances, which are broadly used in many fields of activity all over the world, but have seriously damaged in the environment and the ecological balance on the Earth's atmosphere including ozone layer depletion. The best substitute for compression and absorption refrigerating systems is the thermoelectric cooling method, where electron and hole gases in semi-conducting material act as coolants.

Thermoelectric cooling systems optimize compression refrigerating giving higher reliability, mechanical strength, resistance to shocks, vibrations and other loads, where as conventional systems result in leakage of coolants. Thermoelectric systems do not require systematic maintenance.

The advantage of employing thermoelectric coolers, is that no further maintenance or repairing is necessary. Thermoelectric systems revolutionize conventional approaches to cooling and are increasingly used in a wide range of applications, for example medicine, railway vehicles, automotive, aircraft and aerospace industries, communications, computer technologies, industrial electronics, power engineering, consumer goods as well as domestic appliances.

The application of flexible technologies allows to quick response to various demands on the market today. New unique solutions for heating/cooling problems are rapidly offered for various fields of activity, in different countries and climatic regions.

Main benefits of thermoelectric systems are:
- small dimensions
- wide range of operating temperatures
- resistance to high mechanical loads, shocks and vibrations
- high-G-level and zero-gravity applications
- switches between heating and cooling modes simply by reversing the polarity or power supply
- can work in any position (orientation), unlike other absorbtion cooling systems
- no moving parts
- ecologically safe (no coolants are applied)
- no maintenance required


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